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The Bhagavad Gita

Yoga enables you to unite the body, the mind and the self, by bringing balance, health and harmony into your life - Allowing a little you time so you can slow down, re- centre and re- connect.
Yoga became an integral part of my life shortly after moving to London. I had dabbled with it before but had always pushed it aside in favour of an intense HIIT workout or all night dancing session. It was only when the pressures of London piled up and the inner chatter starting taking over that we found each other again and the relationship blossomed.

By learning to be in the moment, giving in to and breathing through obstacles it can help us to learn about ourselves. It will allow you to come stronger both physically and mentally and through its journey you will learn to love yourself. You can connect with yourself and create your own inner sanctum, away from the mental chatter and constant distraction of life, especially hectic city London Life.
In my classes I try to reflect this mindfulness and encourage you to find a place of calm and inner stillness to balance the stresses and pressures in everyday life. As well as this grounding and centering element you can expect classes to be vibrant and energising. We’ll explore different elements of the ashtanga primary sequence evoking the play or ‘Lila’ of vinyasa flow.
Get in contact to find out more or to discuss 1:1 or group sessions.
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